How To Cancel Netspend Card [Step-By-Step Directions]

You’ve come to the correct spot if you’re looking for the easiest and most effective way to cancel your Netspend card. We have collected detailed steps to assist you with closing your Netspend account and saving all of your cash.

While we agree that Netspend is one of the best prepaid cards on the market, some customers want to know how to delete their accounts and whether this is really feasible.

Continue reading to learn the specific actions you must take to completely delete your Netspend card.

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How To Cancel Netspend Card?

You can cancel your Netspend card by calling 1-866-387-7363, visiting your Online Account Center, or sending an email to

All of the methods for closing your account stated above are permanent, and you will never be able to access the same account again. Keep this in mind, and be certain that you truly want to complete the closure before beginning the procedure.

If you are encountering minor problems with Netspend, you should contact the support center for assistance. They may be able to address the issue and you will not have to terminate the account.

However, if you are determined to abandon Netspend, it is not enough to spend all of your money and delete the app; you must also inform Netspend about your decision. 

Use one of the three methods listed above to contact the company and request that the account is closed.

How to delete a Netspend account?

You can delete the account by submitting a request and contacting Netspend customer service. You will be required to submit a cause for canceling the account as well as proof of identity to confirm you are the account owner.

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However, keep in mind that you cannot delete the account if there is a negative balance on the card or if there are any active disputes. In some situations, the account will be closed after an extended period or until these concerns are remedied.

While you cannot delete your Netspend account on your own, there are a few things you can do to help the process go more quickly and easily for you as a user. 

So, keep reading to get additional facts that may potentially save you money.

What To Do Before You Cancel Your Netspend Account?

Canceling your Netspend account is a big decision, and you should do everything you can to speed the process and safeguard the cash on the account. This implies you must complete a few tasks on your own before requesting the account’s closure.

Here are a few things to think about:

Check all the pending payments

Pending payments on Netspend prepaid cards are reserved money on your account that has not yet been fully processed. These outstanding payments may take a few days to clear in some situations, and you must wait for them to be paid out.

After the payments have been completed, you may determine how much money remains in your account and withdraw the remaining amounts.

Cancel all the recurring payments

If you have any automatic payments or subscriptions, you must cancel them before closing your Netspend account. This is a vital step to avoid future problems and late payments, since Netspend may take some time to completely cancel your account.

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Inform your employer

Some people enjoy using Netspend direct deposits to get money to their Netspend account. This entire procedure is automated after you set it up with the necessary papers from your company, so it’s critical to notify your supervisor of the upcoming changes.

If you fail to indicate the new ways you are getting your payments, it may take some time before you can access the money deposited by mistake to the account you are attempting to delete.

Transfer remaining funds from your account

Making sure there is no money remaining on your Netspend account is one of the most crucial steps in the closure procedure. Once you know how much money you have left, you can withdraw funds in one of two ways:

  1. Use an ATM – If you still have money in your Netspend account, you may withdraw it from any ATM that accepts Master or Visa cards. Keep in mind that most ATMs will charge a withdrawal fee, so choose free ones to reduce the cost of withdrawing funds from your Netspend account.

If you don’t want to use an ATM and incur fees, you may always spend the remaining balance on your account by buying in-store or online. Shopping using prepaid cards such as Netspend is one of the most cost-effective methods to spend your money because there are no additional fees and most stores accept Netspend cards.

  1. Request a check – When terminating your Netspend account and speaking with support, you may ask them to mail you a check for the leftover money. This is not a free option, since you must spend $5.95 to have a check mailed to your home address.

Remember that if your balance is $6.94 or less, Netspend will not charge the sending cost.

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Furthermore, it may take a few days for the check to arrive at your home, so it may not be the most effective option to acquire your cash if you need it right away.  

On the other hand, it’s a terrific method to withdraw larger sums of money from your Netspend account without incurring additional costs.

As you can see, there are several methods to ensure that you have completed all of the tasks before permanently closing your Netspend account. This may take a few days to finish, but it will save you a lot of time and worry in the future.

How Do I Cancel A Netspend Card Delivery?

Some people are enamored with the notion of a Netspend prepaid card and order one to be sent to their home address, only to regret their decision later. So, if you’ve ordered a Netspend card, can you stop and cancel the delivery?

No, there is no method to cancel a card delivery, however, this is not a major issue.


Because each Netspend card issued to your address must be activated in order to work. So, if you change your mind and don’t want the Netspend card you bought, simply do not activate it.

Final Thoughts

Netspend is a fantastic way to monitor your budget and have a trusted card at your side, however in some circumstances, consumers would want to be able to delete their Netspend account. If you are one of those people, you now know what to do and how to do it correctly before canceling your card.

Following these instructions will make it easy to permanently delete a Netspend card and save money on withdrawal fees.