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Who Owns Metabank?

Who Owns Metabank?

Before any new financial investment, even one as simple as changing your bank, you need to do your due diligence. This means learning everything you can about your new financial provider. A quick Google search might scratch the surface of

How Much Can You Overdraft With MetaBank? [Get The Facts]

How Much Can You Overdraft With MetaBank? [Get The Facts]

Most of us have found ourselves in a financial tight spot at one time or another. We might have miscalculated an expense, found ourselves between jobs, or just had some delays with our paychecks.  Whatever the reason, this can all

How To Get Your MetaBank Bank Statement [Easy Directions]

How To Get Your MetaBank Bank Statement [Easy Directions]

Banks can be complicated, and the constant ins and out of money in our modern world can make our bank records a little tricky to decipher.  Still, bank records are essential when it comes to tax, employee expenses, mortgage requests,

How MetaBank’s Emerald Card Works [Review]

How MetaBank's Emerald Card Works [Review]

The world of prepaid cards is varied and often a little complicated. One of the prepaid cards that MetaBank offer is the Emerald Card.  But is the Emerald Card all it’s cracked up to be? What benefits can you expect?

How To Find A MetaBank ATM Near Me

How To Find A MetaBank ATM Near Me

With modern banking solutions, most of us can access our bank accounts at any time, anywhere. Mobile banking is a fantastic way of keeping track of our spending, income, and savings accounts.  However, sometimes we need a good old-fashioned ATM

MetaBank Lawsuits FAQ

MetaBank Lawsuits FAQ

Unfortunately, our modern world is riddled with crime, fraud, and legal loopholes. Large companies are infamous for bamboozling and deceiving clients, hiding fees, and introducing unfair yet binding contracts.  What is the average person supposed to do to combat this

What Time Does Metabank Post Direct Deposits? [Learn The Facts]

What Time Does Metabank Post Direct Deposits? [Learn The Facts]

Modern finances can be managed in all sorts of ways. Some people (a few, at least) mostly work in cash, others only use electronic transfers and cards, but most people use a combination of both.  This means that at some

How Long To Get Refunds To My MetaBank Card?

How Long To Get Refunds To My MetaBank Card?

We all get a bit excited over the prospect of a refund. Whether it’s a bank error in our favor, a tax refund that gets us our tax returns much earlier than we expected, or something else entirely, a refund

How To Use MetaBank WIth Venmo [Easy Step-By-Step Directions]

How To Use MetaBank WIth Venmo [Easy Step-By-Step Directions]

We live in a world of instant payments. Whether you’re sending a friend some cash, making a secure payment for small items, or any other number of uses, it’s good to have an instant payment service.  We have plenty of

Wire Transfers With Metabank [How To Set It Up]

Wire Transfers With Metabank [How To Set It Up]

Modern finances require modern solutions. The days of cash-only transactions are all but gone, and this is especially true when it comes to large transactions.  Many debit and credit cards only allow so much money to be received and sent